D’Orsie to Unveil Educational Choice Legislation in Pennsylvania
December 8, 2023
WHAT: Rep. Joe D’Orsie (R-York) will discuss his legislation to give students and their parents greater educational choice by creating the Student Freedom Account Program.
WHO: D’Orsie (R-York) will be joined by former teacher and current representative, Rep. Milou Mackenzie (R-Lehigh/Montgomery/Northampton); former House member Andrew Lewis, who authored prior educational choice legislation; Myles Slade-Bowers, American Federation for Children, and a Harrisburg native and beneficiary of the EITC scholarship,; and Hera Varmah, who, along with her siblings, benefitted from school choice and is a communications and events assistant at The American Federation for Children.
WHEN: Monday, Dec. 11, at 10 a.m.
WHERE: The main rotunda at the state Capitol complex, Harrisburg.
LIVE WEBSTREAMING: Barring any technical difficulties, the press conference will be livestreamed at RepJoeD.com.
Media contact: Greg Gross, 717.260.6374, ggross@pahousegop.com
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